
Professional Athletes Experiencing Prime
At some point during our life, we may have dreamt of becoming a professional athlete. Perhaps you’ve been fed up with your academic career or amazed by having the opportunity...
Professional Athletes Experiencing Prime
At some point during our life, we may have dreamt of becoming a professional athlete. Perhaps you’ve been fed up with your academic career or amazed by having the opportunity...

內在潛能, 提升表現!(Jeffrey Suen)
跑步,當然要舒適。無論跑得快與慢,職業或業餘,從熱身到開始跑,心信好多跑友都想樂在其中. Prime 好榮幸地可以邀請到跑手Jeffrey Suen (孫鎮傑)去嘗試 Prime Boxers. Jeffrey Suen, 一名年輕的跑手,由三鐵轉而專注跑馬拉松,長或短距離賽事當然都難不倒他,不過近年他較專心練10公里距離,今年渣打馬拉松跑出32分22秒,獲得男子挑戰組第三名的佳績. 為了衝破自己的成績,Jeffrey會繼續努力. 他曾擔心內褲邊緣的車縫會令大腿內側磨損,不利長時間練習,不過接觸Prime推出的Boxers系列內褲後便有所改觀。因Prime Boxers採用快乾防臭物料MicroModal,即使跑步流了很多汗都可快速乾透而不易焗住汗水. 如想了解多些關於Jeffrey 的訪問,可遊覽以下網頁
內在潛能, 提升表現!(Jeffrey Suen)
跑步,當然要舒適。無論跑得快與慢,職業或業餘,從熱身到開始跑,心信好多跑友都想樂在其中. Prime 好榮幸地可以邀請到跑手Jeffrey Suen (孫鎮傑)去嘗試 Prime Boxers. Jeffrey Suen, 一名年輕的跑手,由三鐵轉而專注跑馬拉松,長或短距離賽事當然都難不倒他,不過近年他較專心練10公里距離,今年渣打馬拉松跑出32分22秒,獲得男子挑戰組第三名的佳績. 為了衝破自己的成績,Jeffrey會繼續努力. 他曾擔心內褲邊緣的車縫會令大腿內側磨損,不利長時間練習,不過接觸Prime推出的Boxers系列內褲後便有所改觀。因Prime Boxers採用快乾防臭物料MicroModal,即使跑步流了很多汗都可快速乾透而不易焗住汗水. 如想了解多些關於Jeffrey 的訪問,可遊覽以下網頁

Stay Cool and Dry. Say Bye to Cotton and Polyes...
Cool and comfortable boxer briefs are an absolute must-have for a male athlete. Why? Imagine the sweaty feeling when running in a 10K marathon and your underwear is stuck to your thighs....
Stay Cool and Dry. Say Bye to Cotton and Polyes...
Cool and comfortable boxer briefs are an absolute must-have for a male athlete. Why? Imagine the sweaty feeling when running in a 10K marathon and your underwear is stuck to your thighs....

The Perfect Boxerbriefs
We are very excited to launch Prime Boxers which can help solve many male consumers problems. Problems that they can face when engaging in sports activities. Prime boxers use a...
The Perfect Boxerbriefs
We are very excited to launch Prime Boxers which can help solve many male consumers problems. Problems that they can face when engaging in sports activities. Prime boxers use a...